Turkey Pin DIY Craft

Turkey Pin DIY Craft


  • wood discs (you can size these based on how big you want your pins to be)
  • hot glue gun
  • scissors
  • felt, in yellow, orange, and red
  • pin back
  • chalkboard paint
  • brush


Step 1: Paint your discs with the chalkboard paint. You will need at least two coats, and up to one hour of drying time for each coat.

Step 2: Cut out feather shapes from the felt. If you need a guide, draw the feathers onto the felt before cutting them out. Or, just cut out a long almond shape and then cut fringes. I made 7 feathers per pin to get the full “turkey” effect.

Step 3: Glue the feathers on to the pin in whatever colors order you like.

Step 4: Glue on the pin back and let it dry completely

Step 5: It should look a little like this when it’s finished! You will want to let the chalkboard paint cure for a day and then treat it before using it. Enjoy your pins and happy Turkey Day!

Find more fun crafts from Kersey Campbell at ARDOR.

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