Being a stay-at-home mom is one of those experiences that people think they understand, but much like the act of…
We just got home from an afternoon of errands. New shoes for the child whose feet I swear needed new…
When I was in second grade we moved to Maine from California. It was the middle of December and I…
I still love to be invited out, but now that I'm a mom the answer is usually "Thanks, but no…
The dreaded phone call. In 2021, is there anything worse than having to dial a person on a phone and—God…
Is it at all possible to go back to school without blasting out social media posts announcing each kid’s new…
And here's the thing: I was still the best mom I could be, even when I didn't nurse my child.
For starters, it's a colossal feat requiring limitless emotional and physical energy, as well as restraint.
January is a frosty b*tch. Sure, February can be more brutal, but by then we’ve already been broken by the…
Resolution #1: I’m not going to swear as much. Broken by: 5:23 a.m. on New Year’s Day.