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DIY Study Table Lamp With a Can for Kids

If you want to surprise your kids with something special, this DIY study table lamp with a can will be perfect for your little ones. Moreover, you can make this useful table lamp for your kiddos with just a few basic materials. It’s easy to make and costs almost nothing, and what else could one ask for?

It would help if you kept a few things in mind. Firstly, get an entire socket and wire kit so that you don’t mess up with electric power. Secondly, ensure that the switch is on the wire, not the socket, so that your kid can turn the light on and off easily. Thirdly, use LED lights only as they will not heat the can (which can cause minor finger burns to your child). So, follow the instructions to make this affordable DIY lamp.


  • A large can
  • 2″ x 1″ wood plank
  • Socket, wire, and switch kit
  • LED bulb
  • 2 small ¾ screws
  • 1 ½ screws
  • Wood glue
  • Sharpie
  • Cutter
  • Drill
  • Paper
  • Double-sided tape


  1. To make this DIY table lamp for kids, place the circular base of the socket on the bottom of the can.
  2. Align both, and with a sharpie, draw a circle on the can following the socket shape.
  3. Cut the drawn circle little by little using a cutter.
  4. Make the lamp base with the 2″ x 1″ wooden plank. Then, cut three pieces of 8″ long and one piece of 12 ½” long.
  5. You have to cut the longest wood piece at a 45-degree angle at one end. Also, don’t forget to sand the pieces to remove splinters.
  6. With a drill, make two holes in the back of the can, just under the socket hole. These two holes will help you easily screw the can into the wood.
  7. Take one of the 8″ wood pieces and lay it flat. Then, place the can on top of it with the two little holes above the wood. Screw them together.
  8. Put two ¾” screws from the inside of the can so that it doesn’t go through the wood.
  9. Build the lamp foot by fixing the 12 ½” wood at the end of the 8″ one. The 45-degree angle cut must be next to the end of the first wood piece. Then, use some glue and two screws to fix both wood pieces together.
  10. Finish the DIY lamp foot with two last wood pieces of 8″. Place them to form a 90-degree angle on each side of the 12″-inch” wood piece.
  11. Add glue and two screws on each side to fix the wooden pieces together.
  12. Drill some holes to pass the cable wire. Then, remove the socket or the plug of the lamp kit you get. You can also use small hooks to fix the wire on the wood base.
  13. Pass the wire through the wooden base by drilling one hole at the bottom of the top wood piece and a second hole just above the base.
  14. The drill bit must be the same diameter as your cable wire. Pass the wire through the holes, then mount the plug back.
  15. Fix the socket into the hole of the DIY lamp with a glue gun or any silicon glue.
  16. Put the energy-saving bulb or LED in place and switch on the DIY lamp.

Your DIY study table lamp is ready to be used. For the final touches, give the lampshade a nice decorative touch by gluing good-quality paper around the can and painting the wood.

Make sure to use glue sticks or double-sided tape to prevent the paper from curling. Also, you can paint the woods at last or in the beginning as per the decor of your kid’s rooms. Let the kids paint the DIY lamp and decorate the can per their choice.

So, get the supplies today and make this DIY lamp for your kid’s study table. Also, do share your kid’s reaction with us in the comment section below.

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