Nurse Honored After Coaching New Mom Through 26 Hours of Labor

After providing diligent coaching and care for 26 of the 39-hour labor a new mom recently endured, nurse Olivia Wyant has been awarded a nursing honor—The Daisy Award.

And Still… She Remains Humble

Wyant, a graduate of the Altru Health System, went far beyond the call of her duty throughout the patient’s lengthy labor and was nominated for the award by the mom, herself.

Still, amazingly, Wyant remains humble, insisting that the credit does not belong to her alone.

“I know she just saw me,” she implored, “But there were so many people working together to make sure she and baby were ok. This place has been really special with all the people I’ve worked with — the doctors and nurses and techs. We all need each other to make sure these moms and babies are healthy.”

Despite that humility, though, both mom and her husband are adamant that Wyant was crucial to the most important day of their lives.

“She encouraged me during a long and difficult labor,” said the mom, going on to detail the importance of Wyant’s actions and behaviors, “Nurse Wyant listened to my fears and talked me through them, which ultimately led to the delivery of a beautiful baby boy. She was curious, concerned, open-minded, supportive and the best advocate I could have been given in a time of dire need. I felt safe, supported, heard, and empowered by her.”

This grateful new mom was also backed up by a grateful new dad, who also nominated Wyant for the award, writing in his nomination, “It’s amazing how sometimes the right person comes into your life at the exact time you need them”.

What is the DAISY Award?

The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses® is part of the DAISY Foundation’s mission to recognize the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care nurses provide patients and families every day.

We are always taken aback by the humility of nurses who receive The DAISY Award because of an extraordinary act of compassion or a relationship they have created with a patient that truly made a difference. So often, these DAISY Honorees respond to their recognition with, “But I didn’t do anything special. I was just doing my job.” We want to help nurses see in themselves what their patients, families, and colleagues see in them and to help them learn the behaviors that make such a powerful difference.

The Daisy Foundation

Do you know of a nurse that deserves to be recognized for the depths of their compassion in executing their profession? You may nominate one yourself here.

What did you love most about this story? Have you had your life touched by a nurse, or another health care provider, that made a difference? Let us know in the comments below.

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