DIY Dollar Store Trophies For Fun Family Events

Let’s face it – games become much more real when there’s a trophy to win…or anything to win for that matter. Whether you’re planning a game night, family reunion or just want to surprise someone with a goofy gift, these Dollar Store trophies are a quick and easy DIY project! Pick up random trinkets for $1 each and match them with shot glasses (or mini planter pots!) to create trophy-like designs with any saying you want. Best Sportsmanship? You Tried? Worst at Charades? You can be as literal or weird with them as you want and create Dollar Store trophies with just about any small trinket.

Head to a store with a dollar section or visit your local thrift store to scour for items that can be spray painted. Use a label maker or stickers to create the sayings, and use the trophies as a treat for the whole family!

Head to your local dollar store and stock up on random trinkets to make your own goofy trophies for family events! Mine included a figurine, a bath toy and a lip gloss container.


  • Plastic shot glasses
  • Small toys or trinkets
  • Spray paint
  • Glue gun
  • Label maker

Step 1: Remove any stickers and wipe down the trinkets and shot glasses with a damp cloth. Spray paint everything in fun colors and let them dry.

Step 2: Use a label maker to create your trophy titles in different strips. Alternatively, you can use stickers or even handwrite the names on strips of paper to glue down.

Step 3: Stick the labels on the dried upside down shot glasses. Most label will come with a sticky backing, or you can use the hot glue gun to adhere them.

Step 4: Use the glue gun to stick the painted trinkets on top of the upside down shot glasses.

Get ready to make someone’s day with a goofy homemade trophy!

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