
DIY: Pom Pom Bouquet

With a little yarn and some sticks you can make an instant spring bouquet without hitting your local florist. Keep reading to see how!



  • Assortment of yarn (or just one color)
  • Scissors
  • Greens (fake or fresh)
  • Cardboard square

Start wraping yarn around your 2 x 2 cardboard square

Wrap at least 100 times until it’s a real thick yarn mass. Gently fold the cardboard and pull the yarn off, trying to keep the shape as much as possible.

TIe a small piece of yarn around the middle so they’re all bunched together.

With your scissors, cut in between all the loops on both sides

Keep cutting. Trim the edges until it looks like a nice poof.


Tke your Take your greens and pulll off some branches until you get just the stick.

Do the same for two more (or as many pom poms as you made)

Poke the stick through the center of the pom pom until it’s secure but not poking out of the top

Do the same for the others! Fill a vase with green and place strategically inside for an instant spring bouquet!

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