Corralling Kitchen Clutter

The Kitchen is the heart of the family and keeping to clean and clutter free and make it a wonderful place to hang out.

2. Pedestal
No matter where you live, your kitchen is always the hub of your home. This Grand Central Station-like atmosphere can only mean one thing: clutter. With a few tricks, you can control your kitchen chaos and turn it into a functional, even organized space that works for you and your family. Clear countertops by utilizing the side of your fridge to clip mail and notes; paint a chalkboard wall to write grocery and to-do lists; and organize your recipes inside a recipe binder. Use a pedestal plate to keep oft-used kitchen items within arm’s reach, and hang fabric storage bags for fruit, veggies, and utensils. Baskets and clear jars stow away almost anything, and are easy to peek into to find them later.
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