Adirondack chairs

The 8 Best Adirondack Chairs For Kids

Even if you don’t know them by name, we’ve all seen Adirondack chairs. They’re iconic American outdoor lounge chairs named after the Adirondack Mountains. The style is characterized by flat wooden board armrests, a tall slatted back made of five to seven vertical wooden boards in a range of heights and a slanted seat that’s higher in the front than in the back. While the original style was wooden and meant for a single seated adult, these days Adirondack chairs come in a variety of sizes, materials and colors.

Adirondack Chairs

Adirondack chairs have become a symbol for lounging, vacationing, relaxing… so, for many of us they bring up happy memories. Their shape doesn’t only make them a comfortable choice for adults; they’re great for kids too! Whether you have a lake house, a beach cottage, or a backyard with a deck or patio, classic Adirondack chairs offer the perfect place to lean back and relax.

Click through our selection below for some wonderful Adirondack chair options for little ones to start making some of those happy summer memories.

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