
Celebrity Baby News Roundup 5/24

See what’s happening in the world of celebrity babies today!

  • Eureka star Erica Cerra and her husband Raffaele Fiore welcomed a baby girl named Talia. The actress gushed: “We have been blessed with the most perfect little ‘peanut’ — her nickname from my father, since she is so small! I thought I was in love with her when she was in my belly, but I am so much more in love now that she is actually here, in my arms. I can’t stop staring at her, she is so beautiful and happy. We couldn’t have asked for anything more!”
  • Soap opera star Heather Tom (Bold & the Beautiful, The Young & the Restless) is pregnant with her first child, a baby boy, with her husband James Achor. She shared with Soap Opera Digest: “James and I are very excited. I’m due in October so there is a lot of planning going on right now. Also, we just found out that I’m having a boy!”
  • ‘Real Housewives of Orange County’ star Vicki Gunvalson is going to be shopping for a lot of blue! Vicki’s daughter Briana Culberson revealed at her recent wedding reception that she and husband Ryan are expecting a baby boy! Briana and Ryan shared the news by cutting open their cake to reveal blue frosting inside.



Photos by WENN

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