10 Drool-Worthy Ways to Top Your Porridge

10 Drool-Worthy Ways to Top Your Porridge

Porridge is a healthy choice for breakfast, but it can get a bit same-old, same-old if you always top it with golden or maple syrup. Actually, now that I think about it, I never tire of maple syrup-topped porridge, but I happen to know that there are so many good ways to kick your porridge into the next gear of yumminess.

Before you check out my 10 OMG-delicious ideas for your morning feast, let’s just clear up a common misconception about porridge making. You don’t have to use milk. Water and oats (with perhaps a dash of sea salt) is all you need to make a creamy batch. The secret is in the stirring – stir often and you’ll end up with a deliciously creamy bowl. Okay, all good? Let’s get started.

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10 Drool-Worthy Ways to Top Porridge

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Feature image: Stacey Clare

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