Egg-Bread Breakfast Characters

So ask your kids what “character” they might like to see on their plate at breakfast.  If the resulting creation even resembles the requested item, I think you and your breakfast will be greatly appreciated!  Oh, I haven’t mentioned that this will only take a couple minutes to make! It’s so quick and easy!


  • 1 slice of your child’s favorite bread
  • 1 egg
  • Salt
  • Olive oil


Serves 1
Prep time: less than 5 minutes
Cooking time: less than 5 minutes

Use a tiny round cutter or small knife to make eyes, a nose, or whatever’s requested of you.  Be sure to save your cut-outs as they could become ears or a beard. (You never know.)  

Coat a small saute pan with olive oil and place the bread and cut-outs in the pan.  Turn the heat to medium and then, in a small bowl, whisk your egg until it’s well-blended.  Season it with a bit of salt and pour a bit into each opening in your bread.  If there’s any excess egg, just add it to the pan and you can use it for a decoration or for your character’s hair.  Cook until the egg is solid, about 1 minute.  Use a flat metal spatula to carefully flip the bread over — this will be your “show” side, as you’ll see it will look neater than the other side.  Cook for just another 30 seconds or so, and serve!

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