DIY “Kids Say…” Birthday Cake Toppers

A few snapshots of your kiddo’s classmates and a blurb about what they like about the birthday boy or girl is all you need to whip up these offbeat toppers. Don’t worry, the other parents can make this super simple. Not only will your kid get to learn what special things others like about them, but you’ll probably get some fun replies to share during the birthday party.


  • pictures
  • word processing software
  • printer and paper
  • 1.5″ circle punch (optional)
  • scissors
  • transparent tape
  • lollipop sticks


Step 1: Obtain pictures of your kid’s friends. School pictures and candid photos on your phone are great sources. Select images that have a clear image of the child’s face. Using scissors, cut around the child’s face and hair. Continue for all images. Set aside.

Step 2: Ask the children, or request their parents ask and reply when they RSVP for the party, to say one thing they like about the birthday boy or girl. Using your word processing program, type the kids’ replies. Each reply should be formatted to fit within a 1.5″ circle. Summarize the reply, if necessary. (Ex: “I like Alanna, because we have the same pants. We’re like twins!” becomes “We’re like twins!”)

Step 3: Print the messages, and use a 1.5″ circle punch or scissors to cut out each one.

Photo Jul 28, 3 00 17 PM (HDR)

Step 4: Match the child’s photo with their message, and adhere the message bubble behind the face using a glue stick. Be sure not to obscure any part of the message with the child’s picture. Repeat for each kid. Set aside to dry.

Step 5: Apply a small strip of transparent tape to attach the lollipop stick to the face. 

Step 6: Arrange the toppers by staggering their heights so that each message is visible.

Photo Jul 28, 2 50 21 PM

Photos by Shauna Younge of Sweet Tooth for Momtastic

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