
Minnesota Mom Pulls 3-Year-Old From SUV Moments Before Carjacking

In St. Paul, Minnesota, a mother risked gunfire to pull her three-year-old free of a carjacking, reports Fox News. One adult and two juveniles are alleged to have conducted the theft of the vehicle, which thankfully didn’t become a kidnapping.

This incident occurred at the victim’s home. According to the police, the vehicle was blocked in by the armed perpetrators and the child was in the car. With moments to spare before they fled in the car, the mother pulled her child free of the SUV.

“It’s heartbreaking and incredibly concerning,” St. Paul Police Spokesman Steve Linders told Fox News. “Thankfully the child’s mother was able to get the child out of the car before this became worse.”

Details About the Carjacking and Subsequent Arrests

Authorities state that the carjacking took place around 9:30am, this past Tuesday, December 28th, 2021. Ramsey County Sheriff deputies immediately began their hunt for the stolen vehicle. Soon after, they were notified of another robbery nearby. The suspects matched the description of those who had stolen the SUV, and the SUV used, itself, matched as well.

By following this trail of criminal activity, Saint Paul Police located the vehicle in north Minneapolis. By 1:30pm, the SUV was found. Upon confrontation with the carjackers, two fled into the woods; an 18-year-old and a 14-year-old. Both were caught after a foot chase with the police. The third carjacker, a 17-year-old, was hiding in the backseat of the SUV and attempted to flee once found.

All three teenagers, only one of legal adult age, had a criminal history. Two of them are “wanted in connection with another Minneapolis carjacking,” says the press release. Authorities believe they may be connected to several recent carjackings, in fact — nine in the past week, and five over the past 24 hours.

Would you have done the very same thing as this mother? Have you experienced a carjacking similar to this one? Let us know in the comments below.

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