5 Toys That Kids and Dogs Can Play With Together

They are adorable, loud, messy little things that we can’t help but love with all of our hearts. Why, we’re talking about kids of course! And dogs! Because: SAME. Their boundless energy, pure joy over even the smallest of adventures, and sloppy kisses make them impossible to resist—and easy to forgive when they leave messy paw prints in the kitchen or drool marks on the car windows. With all of these charming qualities in common, it’s no surprise that they are each other’s favorite playmate.

And that they also love playing with the same toys.

So skip the human store and pick up some pet toys that’ll scratch the itch for kids and dogs, alike. (No flea collar required.) Here is a sampling that every creature in your home will love playing with together!

5 Toys That Kids and Dogs Can Play With Together

1. Indoor-Friendly Football

Mom says not to play ball in the house, but this one was made for tossing, catching, and drooling on while indoors. Hut! Hut! Hut!

You can get it on Chewy here!

2. Dinosaurs!

A kid’s imagination can never go extinct when they have a stegosaurus (or the like) in hand. While they roar with glee, their furry friend can chomp on their own—without ending the species.

You can get it from Chewy here!

3. Puzzle Toy

What little kid doesn’t relish some hide and seek fun? What pup doesn’t like discovering squeaky toys while playing? With a puzzle toy, everyone is satisfied with the results!

You can get one from Chewy here!

4. Rope Toy

Keep-away, catch, and tug-of-war are winners, whether you’re running on feet or paws, making long knotted cotton ropes the perfect choice.

You can get it on Chewy here!

5. Fluffy Teddy Bear

Everyone deserves their own teddy bear! Whether it’s for joining in on a tea party, going down backyard slides together, or snuggling in bed, both humans and canines can’t get enough of a cuddly companion.

Get one from Chewy here!

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