This Dad Wins Homeschooling With a Toilet Paper Math Lesson

As the world stresses over perpetually rising numbers of COVID-19 cases, the burden of homeschooling kids and the lack of toilet paper, one dad managed to give his daughter a math lesson and keep folks laughing at the absurdity of stock piling that is going on.

The dad came up with a clever math problem for his teen daughter on the amount of toilet paper we all actually need (or as he demonstrates, the amount we don’t need) during a 14-day quarantine. And guess what? It’s not as much as we all think!

His daughter originally posted the video of her dad on her TikTok (naomi.corson) until the Facebook page How To Be A Dad shared it and has generated millions of views.

He based his equation off a 30 pack of toilet rolls from Costco – which he worked out had 425 sheets of paper per roll.

After estimating that 20 sheets is commonly used each time someone does a “number two”, he concluded that each pack of 30 rolls would be enough for 637.5 “number two’s”.

He explains:

“Go to Costco, big huge thing of toilet paper has 30 rolls. Now each [roll] has 425 sheets. That is 12,750 sheets per case of toilet paper. So that means 20 sheets per s**t. Which comes down to 637.5 s**ts per case. And that is 45.5 s**ts per day.”

He continues:

“So a person who grabbed four cases of toilet paper from Costco for a family of four, quarantined for the required 14 days, would need to s**t 182 times a day to use the purchased amount of toilet paper at 20 sheets per s**t.”

The dad adds: “Now let’s all calm down.”

The video gives us a good laugh, which is exactly what we can all use now. And not to mention, some inspiration about how to best homeschool our kids while not taking things too seriously.

More Parenting Humor:

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