3 DIY Mason Jar Planter Ideas

To make the rick rack wrapped jar:

Step 1: Use the spray paint to paint one jar green, then add a second coat of paint and set aside to dry.

Step 2: Cut 2 pieces of each of the yellow, pink, purple, and blue rick rack each about 13 inches long.

Step 3: Glue one piece of yellow rick rack at the very top of the wide part of the jar, securing it in place on the back of the jar with a hot glue gun, and glue a second piece of yellow rick rack just below it.

Step 4: Move down the jar about ½ inch and repeat the process with the pink rick rack.

Step 5: Repeat the process with the purple and then the blue rick rack.

Step 6: Fill the jar with potting soil and add your favorite plants or herbs.

Next page: How to make the chalkboard-paint plant markers


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