15 Easy Hairstyles That Are Incredibly Stylish, Too

I’m thinking about taking the plunge and getting an easy hairstyle that doesn’t require as much maintenance as my long locks, but here’s the thing: I don’t want a mom cut. You know, a boring style that looks like I’ve totally given up. The more I look around, though, even chic, young, kid-free women are showing off easy hairstyles that would totally work better than my long locks.

As I approached my ninth month of pregnancy with Baby #2, I thought really long and hard about the classic mommy move of chopping all your hair off. Self-conscious about my shoulders and ears, I held off and have been wearing it long in a tangled mess, or half-back in a partial mom-bun, for months. But half the time my tresses end up with coffee, spit-up, stray mascara, or juice in them. And the other half of the time it takes a lot of work to make my long hair look cute.

It turns out, there are a lot of easy hairstyles that actually look cool. See my favorites and decide which one is best for you.


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