Hands-Down The Simplest, Tastiest Creamy Chicken Carbonara Recipe In Existence

We all wish that we could tuck in to an extravagant home-cooked feast every night when sitting down for tea with the clan, preferably one prepared by a Masterchef skill-levelled butler named Geeves. Sadly, that’s not my current reality, and TBH finding the time and energy to make dinner is becoming a bit of a challenge.

So when I manage to whip up delicious recipe that I can prepare in less time than it takes to watch an episode of Neighbours, needless to say it quickly becomes a staple on the family dinner menu.

Case in point: this Creamy Chicken Carbonara, which is so tasty and easy to whip together with the help of Heinz’ handy new pasta sauce range that it basically feels like cheating (it’s not though. Totally counts.)

Smash it together in less than 30 minutes and enjoy the delish results. You are welcome, friends.

Full recipe is below. For more info on how to make delish and kid-friendly homemade meals using Heinz’ new pasta sauce range, head here.

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