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Easy Nut-Free Energy Balls for Kids

Energy balls are excellent for kids, serving as the perfect snack between meals. However, most energy balls contain nuts, making it a not-so-favorite sweet treat for little ones allergic to nuts. Mommies, leave your worries behind, as we have an easy, nut-free, and gluten-free energy ball recipe for kids, which is tasty and easy to make. Plus, your kids will love to help you make these bite-sized treats.

You can refrigerate these energy balls or pack them in your kid’s lunch box for a quick snack. However, while preparing these, ensure all ingredients are made in a nut-free facility to avoid cross-contamination. If you are a mom to a little one with nut allergies, you know how crucial this step is.

Also, if you use old-fashioned rolled oats instead of quick oats, make the recipe in a food processor. This will break up the oats ever so slightly, making them easier to work with. Instead of maple syrup, you can also use agave or honey (depending on what is available at your home).


  • 1 cup quick oats (or rolled oats)
  • ⅓ cup flax meal
  • ½ cup sunflower seed butter
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • ⅛ cup raw or toasted sunflower seeds
  • ⅛ cup mini chocolate chips (dark, milk or white)


  1. Place the oats and flax meal in a medium-sized bowl to make these nut-free energy balls. Mix until combined well.
  2. Add the seed butter and maple syrup to the mixture and mix it well. 
  3. Add the sunflower seeds and chocolate chips to the mix. You can also use small chocolate chunks if your kids like them better. Moreover, you can add one type of chocolate chip or a mix of dark/milk chocolate and white chocolate.
  4. By now, the mixture should form a dough that’s easy to form into balls. Add more maple syrup or coconut oil if the mixture seems too dry.
  5. Here comes the fun part for kids. Let your little ones use a small cookie scoop or tablespoon to roll the dough into balls. Children can also try rolling the mixture on parchment paper and cutting them into square bars (or another shape of their choice) with a cookie cutter.
  6. Once done, transfer the energy balls/bars into a small storage container and keep them in the refrigerator if you want to store them for longer.

The best part is that you don’t have to stop at this step. You can experiment with the base recipe and make different versions of this nut-free energy ball.

For instance, add a few tablespoons of cocoa powder for that extra chocolaty flavor and dark color. You can also add pitted Medjool dates and maple syrup if you want your kids to consume dates (since it might be difficult for kids to eat a whole date). However, reduce the quantity of maple syrup, as dates will also add sweetness to the energy balls.

If you or your children are not fans of seeds, add dried cranberries, blueberries, or cherries instead. If you want a hint of zestiness, add a pinch of orange or lime zest. It will complement the chocolaty flavor of the energy balls. Even peppermint extract will work if your kids like the minty flavor.

Moreover, if your little ones like the taste of coconuts, turn these nut-free energy balls into coconut balls by rolling them in shredded coconut. It adds a hint of extra texture.

So, experiment with the base recipe to see which one gets a thumbs up from your kids. And don’t forget to let us know in the comment section below how these energy balls turned out and the variations you tried.

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