One of the coolest perks of entering middle school or high school is getting your own school locker. Not only is it your own secure space to store school supplies, but it’s your own private space to decorate exactly the way you want to. And this goes beyond simple stickers and plain magnets. From stylish miniature chalkboards to chic wallpaper, these days there’s no shortage of amazing back-to-school locker decorating ideas.
When I entered sixth grade, I finally had a locker that was totally my own and the theme was all about rainbows. Back in the early 90s, locker decor consisted of posters torn from magazines that were stuck to the door with weak magnets. Every time you closed the locker, the posters would slide to the floor.
Today, as I stroll down the back-to-school supply aisle, I’m in love with all of the locker decorating ideas and products that are designed to help your kid really feel at home in their space.
To inspire you and your tween or teen, I’ve come up with the best DIY locker decorating ideas that the Internet has to offer.