12 Amazing & Easy Ways to Update Your Home With Spray Paint

Guys, I have developed a serious obsession with spray paint! I have been using it constantly to update up my home and I can’t get over the results. There are so many DIY spray paint projects out there that you can complete using items you already have or using things you have found at thrift stores. I’m telling you, once you start, you won’t be able to stop. And spray paint ain’t what it used to be. There are really cool versions out there that provide high gloss looks, mirrored looks and even chalkboard style looks. And DON’T get me started on the gold. It can make even the cheapest items look expensive.

Want to update your home with spray paint? Here are some ideas that will rev up your home at a fraction of the cost. Just beware, easy DIY projects like these can become addictive.

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