Study: Working Moms with Two or More Kids Are More Productive

Now that you have kids you worry that you’re less productive at work, right? According to a new study reported by The Today Show, that’s not necessarily the case.

Researchers examined the link between productivity and parenthood among a group of academic economists and found that moms and dads who had two or more children were more productive than those with only one child or no children.

They added that parent’s productivity changed over time: When children were young, their parents were less productive, but as kids grew older —  into their teenage years and beyond — their parents’ productivity increased, ultimately surpassing that of their peers with one or no children.

The new study, published as a working paper by the research division at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in January, focused on 10,000 skilled economists. The Washington Post blogged about it Thursday, touting it as encouragement for working moms.

Photo: Getty

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