Adventures Of A First Time Mum: Month Two

Recovering from my C Section was rough but the worst was behind me and I was finally able to enjoy getting out and about with my baby.  I love the fact that people smile at you when you’re out walking with a pram.

At around six weeks I decided to try a sling since I’d read how much babies enjoy being in them.  I bought a stretchy wrap for my daughter, and she loves it.  In fact, the very first time I put her in it she fell asleep within minutes and was so comfortable and happy.  I strongly believe slings are one of the best purchases any new mum could make, because they help you and your baby stay close.  My biggest regret is that I didn’t get one from birth!  If you’re considering a sling but don’t know much about them, have a look at this article .

Another stand out event from my second month as a mum was when my milk supply finally settled down.  Fortunately I had read about this and knew it would happen or I probably would have worried when my breasts became less engorged pretty much overnight.  Things became a lot more comfortable after this point and I’m still loving every minute of nursing my little one.  I’ve actually had other mums ask me for latching tips when they’ve seen how well my baby feeds during baby groups and I’m thinking of training to be a breastfeeding peer supporter in the future, because I love being able to help other mums, and know from experience how important it is to have help in the beginning.

I started going to local baby groups at my local Sure Start Centre during my second month as a mum and I loved them!  The groups are so friendly and are great places to share tips and experiences.  My baby loves interacting with and watching other babies, so I go to as many groups as I can.  I’ve already made some friends through the groups which is great because I didn’t know anyone else with a baby the same age as mine.  The most bizarre thing has been when new people join the groups with even younger babies and I notice just how much my little girl has grown already; when people say they grow up fast, they really aren’t kidding!  For more information on what Sure Start Centres offer, see .

My favourite moment in my baby’s second month was undoubtedly her first smile.  When my baby smiled, at around seven weeks, I was over the moon.  It was first thing in the morning, when I reached into her basket to pick her up – I’ll never forget that feeling.  I told my mum, who promptly asked if I was sure it wasn’t gas, but believed me when I was lucky enough to catch a smile on camera!  

I’ve loved month two and really feel like I’m getting the hang of this mummy business now; actually, it’s hard to remember what my life was like before I became a mum.  I can’t wait to see what next month has in store for us!

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