
Jim Carrey Sends A Special Message To Emma Stone

Jim Carrey shares his secret ‘crush’ on Emma Stone.

Always the comedian, Jim posted a video on his website that ‘professed’ his love for the talented and gorgeous actress Emma Stone, 22.  He gushed:

“Emma, I think you’re all the way beautiful. Not just pretty, but smart and kind-hearted. And if I were a lot younger, I would marry you.  We would have chubby little freckle-faced kids, we’d laugh all day long, go camping and play Yahtzee. Tell ghost stories by the fire.  And every day, for the rest of your life, you would thank God that I was the appropriate age for you.  But I’m not. I’m 49. I have lines on my face, sometimes a little gray in my beard, and it takes me a little bit longer to pee than it used to. I think you’re very special and I wish you continued success and artistic fulfillment. But most of all, I wish you love and contentment.”

I’m guessing that the Mr. Popper’s Penguins star, who is the dad of a 23 year old daughter, Jane, and grandfather to Jackson, 18 months, is joking, especially since Emma is currently dating ‘The Social Network’ ,star Andrew Garfield.

Emma’s always a great sport, so I wonder if she’ll respond with a funny video of her own. 



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