malin akerman

Malin Akerman Says Motherhood Is Everything And Nothing She Expected

Trophy Wife star Malin Akerman is the proud mom of nine month old Sebastian, who loves to help his mom get ready for red carpet events…by spitting up on her dresses!  Malin laughed, “It is very hard because all I want to do is hold that baby. So I put on the dress at the very last minute, and then scoot out without holding him or getting close because it happens all the time.”

Malin says motherhood has been amazing, “It’s like one of those things where it’s everything you expected, but it’s not at all how you expected it. There’s so much love, and in such a crazy way, you just keep pinching yourself because they grow so much all the time.”

The Rock of Ages actress, who split from husband Roberto Zincone just months after Sebastian’s birth, shared, “The best part about him is that he cracks himself up with so many things. Literally, I’ll put him in his bed, and all of a sudden, I’ll just hear him laughing. He’s kind of amazing.”

Have you watched Malin’s new show “Trophy Wife”? 


Photo by Tommaso Boddi/WireImage/Getty

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