Quick Decorating Ideas For The Fourth Of July

1. Make large bouquets of red, white, and blue balloons. Tie them together with ribbon streamers.

Photo Credit: DivineDinnerParty.com

2. Cut each bandana into four squares, and then fold each square into a triangle and iron to get nice creases.  Attach the triangles to a ribbon and hang.   Photo Credit: HatterAndHareEvents.com

3. Tie red striped fabric around a chair. Tie blue fabric in a bow around red striped fabric for accent on the back of the chair.     Photo Credit: TorranceGift Shop.com

4. Red, white, and blue sprinkles are not just for ice cream. Pour a layer of each color in a clear glass vase then place a candle inside for patriotic lighting.  Photo Credit: Better-Decorating-Bible.com

5. Cover various size tin cans with red, white, and blue gift wrap or scrapbook paper.  Place flowers, food, or utensils in them for a festive buffet table.   Photo Credit: Martha Stewart

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