5 Celebrity Moms Who Are Super Relatable

I’m a mom of three kids all under the age of nine, which means that I basically never sleep, I look like hell most of the time, and I am tired. Oh, so tired. One of my guilty pleasures to get through a day is to watch my fav celebrity moms showing the world just how kickass and relatable they are.

Something about seeing a mom who has legions of fans, probably a personal staff, and a boatload of money struggling with the same mom problems as me is comforting, which is probably why I can’t stop scrolling through their Instagram feeds.

Here are 5 celebrity moms who are just like us. 


Drew Barrymore


My absolute favorite mom celeb in the world is Drew Barrymore, I grew up watching her movies and now that she’s a mom, I cannot stop watching her amazing Instagram account. She posts about the hilarious reality of bushy eyebrows, getting some much needed “me time” away from kids, and the most adorable pictures of makeup tutorials with her daughter. If she gets a momstache then I won’t stress about mine! She seems to me to be the ultra-chill mom who probably has all the neighborhood kids over to her house because they have the good snacks.

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Kristen Bell

Forgetting for just a second that this amazing lady is a legit Disney Princess (Oh, hey, what’s up, Ana) Kristen Bell posts constantly online about the realities of struggling in both motherhood and marriage. Her candid blurbs about keeping her marriage to Dax Shepherd strong give me so much hope and food for thought. She’s also no stranger to posting about wickedly clever parenting hacks, like this one about how to keep her kids safe while in public. I love how she admits that parenting is hard as hell sometimes but she never seems to let it get to her and for that reason, she’s a celeb mom rock star to me. Talk about a good influence.


Tina Fey


Not going to lie, my goal in life is to be as cool a mom as the gloriously funny and brilliant Tina Fey. Her spot-on commentary about empowering girls and women are incredibly motivational. But besides that, Tina Fey just strikes me as a down-to-earth mama with a streak of badass thrown in. When my kids backtalk me (because let’s be honest, what kid doesn’t backtalk a mama?) I try to summon my inner Tina Fey and figure out how she would respond.

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Pink plus motherhood are a delicious combo to watch unfold on social media. Her unapologetic posts about raising kids and feeling sometimes overwhelmed or inadequate (um, hello, don’t we all?) are so relatable that it would be forgivable to forget that this woman is an international rock star with actual six-pack abs. She recently announced that she is taking her kids on tour with her and I for one cannot wait to read about life on the road with kids. How she deals with a bazillion snacks and screen time


Jennifer Garner

If you’ve never seen that video of Jennifer Garner reading “Go The F*uck To Sleep” then you have not lived as a parent. Not only does she come across as incredibly patient and kind but she’s hilarious too, just look her social media and watch the video of her pulling random kid crap out of her purse. She definitely feels like a mom we all know. An aspect of Jennifer Garner that I especially adore is her time and energy spent

While in the trenches of motherhood, it makes total sense to look around for examples of kickass moms. Thankfully, we live in a connected world where celebrity moms and us regular moms can blur the line that divides us so that we can commiserate together over the trials and tribulations of raising great kids.


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