Vine Driving: 10 More Overgrown Abandoned Vehicles

Renault 911!

Vine Driving: 10 More Overgrown Abandoned Vehicles

“All units, report to the scene of an abandoned French car being strangled by vegetation!” Aaand, cue the classic Paris police siren… the only thing missing is Inspector Clouseau himself. Anyway, this tired but apparently ship-shape seventies-era Renault 4 sedan must have suffered some internal calamity that rendered it immobile – and fair game for climbing vines and vegetation.

Vine Driving: 10 More Overgrown Abandoned Vehicles

What are the odds we’ll someday see this Renault911! De-fronded? Probably about as likely as a blind accordion player acting as a lookout for a bank-robbing gang while his minkey associate handles the business side of things. Oui, chimpanzee minkey, that is what I said! (image via spline splinson)

That Seventies Showboat

Vine Driving: 10 More Overgrown Abandoned Vehicles

Anyone care to landscape this land barge? Be sure to bring plenty of help ‘cuz the above Malaise-era Ford LTD coupe is doing its best to hide in plain sight beneath a very large tree with a ravenous appetite for chrome. Kudos, by the way, to English shrubbery for camouflaging what just might be the largest car to ever cross the pond to Old Blighty. (image via Pete)

Ultimate Parking Machine

Vine Driving: 10 More Overgrown Abandoned Vehicles

We don’t want to cast any shade on whomever owns the above abandoned BMW – his wildly overgrown greenery is doing a fine job of that already. Gotta ask, though… who in their right mind and body would surrender a high-end automobile to the elements? The photo dates from late 2007; has anyone done a wellness check on the homeowner since then? (image via jason wilson)

Rovergrown Redux

Vine Driving: 10 More Overgrown Abandoned Vehicles

Another day, another decades-old Rover wallowing amid an overgrowth of undergrowth, thrust into the thick of a thicket. Britain’s not exactly known for rainforest-style runaway vegetation with kudzu-like coverage yet from what we’ve observed, abandoned vehicles appear to have an effect analogous to potent fertilizer. Rover: it’s what plants crave? (image via Charles)

Tree Parking

Vine Driving: 10 More Overgrown Abandoned Vehicles

We’ve heard of garage mechanics but garage gardeners? This building in Holland is a parking garage, according to the photographer, though it’s hard to see any cars due to the glacially slow yet perniciously persistent Attack of the Fifty Foot Shrubbery. Since names need to be named, we’ll look a little closer in hopes of spying a Nissan Leaf, a vintage Lotus (in British Racing Green, of course), and even a Toyota Sequoia. Green vehicles indeed – and the perfect place to park ’em! (image via E. Dronkert)

“Wood” you like to see more old cars & trucks go back to nature? Check out Trunk Driving: Tree-Colonized Abandoned Vehicles!