Web Beware: 7 Fang-tastic Spider Signs

Hedge Of Darkness

Web Beware: 7 Fang-tastic Spider Signs

The more one reads this sign, the less sense it makes… besides the “spider repellent” part, which is enough for most arachnophobic types (aka most people). We do like the patriotic red white & blue stenciling, however, and “hedge balls” sounds sorta like a high-fiber artisanal snack food so yeah, we’ll take a dozen. (image via Nate Angell)

Crawler Scholars

Web Beware: 7 Fang-tastic Spider Signs

What the heck is going on at Cal State Fullerton, anyway? Nothing good, my friends, nothing good. The only advice we can give is… stay outta that room! That goes double if you’re a fly. (image via sputnik)

Say It Don’t Spray It

Web Beware: 7 Fang-tastic Spider Signs

Old and busted: TP-ing a home. New hotness: spider-spraying someone’s house. Just imagine inflicting a horrifying plague of biblical proportions upon the targeted residence of your choice – with just one call. Wonder if they have a web site. (image via haven’t the slightest)

Flea For Your Lives!

Web Beware: 7 Fang-tastic Spider Signs

“Invasion of Deadly Spiders”, in my England? It’s more likely than you think – or thinked (thank? thunk?) as the above photo dates from August of 2007. Guess the much-ballyhooed “invasion” didn’t work out as well as our prospective eight-legged overlords planned. Perhaps they should have dubbed their nefarious plan the “Special Military Operation of Deadly Spiders” and saved some five-eyed face. (image via Anders Sandberg)

Want more insects in your life – outdoors, at least? Check out Buzz On: Urban Flower Strips Boost Bees & Bugs!