Sparking Place: 8 More EV Charging Station Signs

Sparking Place: 8 More EV Charging Station Signs
EV charging may be here to stay but signage around EV charging stations is still working out the kinks, as these 8 signs and scenes sometimes shockingly show.

Electric Brew

Sparking Place: 8 More EV Charging Station Signs

Lurking amid an eye-watering display of tentacular (spectacularly tentacle-like?) snaking power lines, over-applied green paint and airbrushed street-style artwork – or plain old graffiti, it’s hard to tell – lies an EV charging station… maybe THREE different types of charging stations standing shoulder to steely shoulder. Confused? You won’t be, after this episode of soap, water and a lot of elbow grease. (images at top and above via Mario Duran-Ortiz)

Spare A Square?

Sparking Place: 8 More EV Charging Station Signs

If this is an oplaadpunt (“charging station” in Dutch) as the photo’s tag states, we must be in the Netherlands. And that’s about all the info you’re gonna get, so just park your keester over the metal “street tile” and… oh no, we insist, YOU go first. (image via DennisM2)


Sparking Place: 8 More EV Charging Station Signs

Great, there’s a hornet’s nest at the EV charging station and – hold on, it’s just Mayer Electric Supply‘s slightly distracting (and not-so-slightly disturbing) mascot. Well, that’s one way to create a “buzz” around your new GE-EV charging stations, amiright? Also, it would seem the wasps ’round Marietta GA way wear crisply starched button-down shirts and broad-buckled belts. We said wasps, not WASPs, and… hey, why not both! (photo courtesy of the city of Marietta)

Six Simple Rules

Sparking Place: 8 More EV Charging Station Signs

So you thought EV charging was free, not to mention the pristine, clean & green energy that flows forth from the charging plug? Oh my sweet summer child, were you not aware of the Electric Charging Station Rules? No, not the direct-to-video low budget sequel to The Cider House Rules, we mean this sign from St Louis designed apparently by hotel valets who know a good thing when they see it – and won’t hesitate to charge a fee for it. (image via Paul Sableman)

Given up on EVs already? Check out Discharged: 6 Re-volting Abandoned Electric Cars!