You Cube: Nakagin Capsule Tower By The Night

Tokyo‘s icon of futurism, the Nakagin Capsule Tower building, can now be experienced by the night thanks to an entrepreneurial absentee apartment owner. Nakagin Capsule Tower Airbnb 12

Nakagin Capsule Tower Airbnb 4

Opened in 1972 and composed of individual furnished “living cubes”, the Nakagin Capsule Tower still looks futuristic today. One enterprising apartment owner has begun renting out his capsule via Airbnb so if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to live there, now’s your chance!

Nakagin Capsule Tower Airbnb 13

Designed by the late Japanese architect Kisho Kurokawa and situated in Tokyo’s tony downtown Ginza district, Nakagin Capsule Tower is one of the few remaining examples of Metabolist architecture. Japanese Metabolism exemplified the nation’s determination to build a brighter future on the ashes of the recent past.