Fending Off the Title of “The World’s Worst Mom”

Busyness feels constant in my life, so I hardly feel “balanced” or perfect when it comes to being a working mom. I’m always on my phone or computer—I can’t help it. Work calls, clients call, and my staff needs me. BUT, when it’s time to be with the kids I have a few things I stick to so I don’t win the title of “The World’s Worst Mom.” Here are a few tips that have worked well for me and can hopefully encourage you! 

  1. Shut It Off: When I am around my little one I immediately close my computer and put my phone away. (This sounds easier than it can sometimes be!)
  2. Pay Attention: I try and pay attention to my toddler right away and suggest something for us to do so she doesn’t think my electronics are more important than she is.
  3. Play!: Games win me major mommy points! We like to play hide and seek, sing songs, or count numbers. Sometimes we will hop on YouTube and watch educational (but still fun) videos. 

When my husband can come in to change the scenery, or to give me a few minutes’ break, I usually check my phone again (not gonna lie). I’m not perfect, and as a business owner I’m not able to completely shut down my smart phone or tablet after 6:00 p.m. so I make up for it the best I can daily with tips 1-3. When I am gone all day, I make the effort to put them away and have quality time when I get home, and then allow myself to get back on social media/email a bit later. Working to be the best mom ever can be overwhelming and unrealistic, so I strive for it in baby steps, starting with trying not to be the worst mother of all time!

Working moms: how do you ensure you stay engaged with your growing little one amidst the chaos of work?

image: Getty

More Parenting Tips:

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