Pumpkin-Spiced Latte Recipe

Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe

Fall abounds with pumpkin-flavored recipes for kids but this one is for mom: a Pumpkin Spiced Latte. You deserve a coffee break! Whether you’ve spent the morning decorating pumpkins, assembling costumes, or pushing a stroller, a luscious latte is the perfect snack to hit the spot. Try this simple recipe to enjoy a seasonal treat!

makes 2 lattes


  • 2 cups 1% milk
  • 2 tablespoons pumpkin puree
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 large pinch pumpkin pie spice
  • 8 shots of strong black coffee

Pumpkin-Spiced Latte Recipe - Ingredients


Step 1: Combine the milk, pumpkin puree, sugar, and pumpkin pie spices in a small saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a low summer but do not allow it to boil. Remove the mixture from the heat and add the vanilla.

Pumpkin Spiced Latte Recipe - Step 1

Step 2: Use an immersion blender, or add the mixture to a blender to mix until frothy.

Step 3: Divide the milk mixture between two mugs. Add 4 shots of coffee to each mug and combine. Add an extra pinch of pumpkin pie spice as desired. Serve hot!

Kelsey Banfield blogs at The Naptime Chef.

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