When do babies start teething?

When Do Babies Start Teething?

When do babies start teething? There isn’t a precise answer because every baby is different, but there are some common signs to look out for. Teething can be very uncomfortable for a baby as well as for new parents who want to comfort their fussy or feverish child. Here’s how to tell if your baby has teeth coming in and how to comfort him or her.

When will my baby start teething?

It varies from child to child. There have even been cases of babies actually being born with a tooth already in place. In general, teeth begin appearing between the ages of 3 and 12 months. For most children, that first tooth will appear around 6 months of age. The lower teeth will usually appear first.

What are the symptoms of a teething baby?

Some signs that signal that a tiny tooth is about to appear include unusual fussiness, diarrhea, drooling, biting, crying, bottle or breast refusal, and general sleeplessness. You may wish to consult with your doctor if these symptoms appear just to make sure it is not something more serious. For example, a fever above 101 degrees Fahrenheit is likely to be an infection rather than just a symptom of teething.

Keep a close eye on your child because a few days before that first tooth appears, he or she may be more fussy and colicky than usual.

How can I soothe my teething baby?

The use of a teething ring, an over-the-counter gum numbing agent approved by a doctor, or a prescription from your doctor may go far in soothing your infant’s distress. A clean, frozen washcloth can also be soothing for a baby to suck on. Toddlers may benefit from a fruit-flavored Popsicle or individually frozen fruits. Gently rubbing the gums with your finger may also be effective in assisting the tooth and soothing your infant’s pain.

When will all my baby’s teeth come in?

By age 3, your child should have a full set of 20 teeth. Be sure to begin taking your child to your family dentist around 1 year old so that he or she gets proper dental care and attention. The routine of going to a professional to care for teeth will also be established at a young age.

Once you have a good idea of when your baby will get his or her very first tooth, you can recognize the signs and stock up on soothing remedies. This will help make the process much less stressful for you and your baby.

Related: Teething Symptoms Every Parent Should Know

Photo: Getty

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