Butt Out: A Dozen International No Smoking Signs

Butt Out: A Dozen International No Smoking Signs

In former Soviet Union, cigarette smoke YOU! Alas, the KGB is long gone but don’t light up just yet, the GRU is gonna hack where you’re hacking (and coughing and choking – have you TRIED Russian cigarettes?). But we digress… this No Smoking sign in Irkutsk Oblast has been carefully – if not exactly skillfully – inscribed in two languages so there’s no excuse for sparking up on the “territory” of this “chirch”. Kudos to Flickr member Jason Rogers, who snapped this well-weathered sign in 2008.

Butt Out: A Dozen International No Smoking Signs

Flickr user Chris (chrisinplymouth) doesn’t mention where he saw the No Smoking sign above but we’ll assume it’s somewhere in the southern hemisphere… you know, south of the equator where in the words of TMBG “water spirals the wrong way out the sink.” We’ll just assume smoke behaves somewhat similarly, sort of.

Butt Out: A Dozen International No Smoking Signs

Read between the lines and you’ll see the above sign is both quintessentially Canadian and typically (possibly even stereotypically) Vancouverite, combining firm palpable politeness with an almost haughty sense of urbane hipsterism. Point being, don’t even THINK of smoking in Vancouver’s parks, beaches and/or facilities else said places will be made YOU-free. Credit Flickr user Kyle Pearce (keepitsurreal) with taking (in May of 2014) the original photo from which the above image was derived.

Butt Out: A Dozen International No Smoking Signs

We’re assuming NO SHIRT and NO SHOES are OK? This very straightforward No Smoking sign hails from Saint Lucia, a small island nation in the West Indies near Barbados. Shoppers at the Castries Market are well advised to do their puffing and hack-pitooey-ing outside, thank you very much! Flickr member Andrew thought this sign and its two-fisted message was worth saving for posterity back in April of 2008.