7 Easy Ways To Brighten Up Your Home For Summer

I went searching for some very do-able DIY summer decorating ideas that can easily be implemented in your home using items you may already have. Adding just a touch or two will lighten and brighten your home to kick off the summer season in true DIY style.

Why remind your kids of the school year. September will arrive soon enough.  Stow your kid’s backpacks for the summer and hang some bright, striped, or colorful beach towels on the hooks instead. They will make a statement in your mudroom that says- the living is easy in our house now that school is out.  Photo:  Martha Stewart

I love when I see something re-purposed in a clever way. The people at Lowes Creative Ideas came up with this way to brighten up a hot summer night.  When you place a battery operated candle inside you will create an instant party on your porch or deck.  Photo:  Lowes Creative Ideas

Cocktails anyone?  Brighten up your entrance with colorful paper cocktail parasols.  Camilla over at Family Chic made this perfect for summer wreath for her front door.  Photo: Family Chic

Hide the over stuffed look of flower stems in a glass vase by lining the vase or in this case – pitcher with lemon slices.  Photo: Pinterest

Brighten up a bedroom or any room for that matter by adding bright toss pillows to the bed or seating.  Photo: Coastal Living

Lighten up the look of your fireplace by cleaning it out and replacing wood with potted plants, flowers,or stacked white birch logs.  Add shells, flowers, and vacation souvenirs to accessorize the mantel.  Photo:  Country Living

Dipping baskets in paint is quite popular right now.  Why not paint an entire collection of baskets to add summer color to your desk by painting a collection of organizers.  Photo:  Martha Stewart


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